Tuesday, March 17, 2015

March 30-April 3


Bell Work:

Lesson:  Paper due Thursday at the start of class, but will show how to begin WeVideo on Thursday.  Video due Tuesday so they have Power Hours to work on it.

  • Teacher will look over notes to make sure everyone is finished
  • Show how to use Easy Bib using biography.com and search Anne Frank.  Need to add title, author and pub. date.
  • Go over MLA guide
  • Title (see scoring guide)
  • Spacing
  • Font and Font type
  • Indention
  • Works Cited page (see scoring guide)
  • Parenthetical citation (see scoring guide)

Bell Work:  Connotation, Denotation While I grade notes


  • Notes due today
  • Use easybib to do citations
  • Use Purdue Owl for in text citations (parenthetical citations)
  • Work on paper

Bell Work:


  • Do short modeling lesson on WeVideo
    • Tell how and where to save images
    • Have students share tips 
  • Finish paper and begin video (Due Friday)

Bell Work:


  • Work on Video

Bell Work:


  • Work on Video

Monday, March 16, 2015

March 23-27


Bell Work:  Work on Smarter Balanced example for writing paragraph of informative paper (15 min)


  • Use informative essay anchor piece (9th grade) to discuss expectations. (20 min)
    • Introduction/ Hook
    • Topic/Thesis and 3 supporting details
    • Paragraph topic sentences
    • Transitions
    • topic specific words - do these need to be defined for the audience?
    • Conclusion
  • Introduce a few songs about historical events and have students guess what the songs are about. Have students discuss the meaning and the history involved. Examples: Alan Jackson, "Where Were You When the World Stopped Turning" about 9/11, U2, "Pride (In the Name of Love)" about Martin Luther King Jr.
  • Play the song “We Didn’t Start the Fire” and just have students listen. Ask if anyone has heard the song before and if they know who sings the song. Then show the video.  Ask students to listen to the lyrics. Brainstorm what they can remember of the lyrics. Play the song a third time and have the students look at they lyrics. Discuss what events, people, and places they know of and what ones they do not.

Bell Work:  Finish Monday's work and pick up


  • Library lesson on researching using library online resources all hour

Bell Work:  Finish Monday's work and pick up

  • Students will look at a brief description of the lyrics to the song.
    • Divide class into 16 partners and each group look at a different "year". Go over them as a class.
  • Discuss with class that some topics are more difficult to research.
  • Students choose a topic by tomorrow.
  • Discuss MLA and what is expected in their paper. (Info on Bb)

  • Homework: choose a topic--due tomorrow

Bell Work:  Do pg 167-168 on Note taking


  • Students must choose their topic by filling out survey. May not choose "Wheel of Fortune" it is the one the teacher will demonstrate
  • Taking Notes: (20 min)
  • Do pg 167-168
  • Begin Research and note taking (20 min)

Bell Work:

  • 2-4 sources required
  • Citations:  Show how to copy onto Works Cited Google Doc and use Easybib (students create Doc in class)
  • Research and take notes (20 min)

March 16-20


  • Go over LAD Fair entries:  All due on Wednesday
  • Watch Chapter 1-  of the Anne Frank movie


  • Watch the Anne Frank Movie Chapter 11- end


  • Watch Video about kids playing football
    • Use evidence from the video to supports each side of the debate
  • Read “Should Kids Play Football?” aloud by Jennifer Shotz
  • Begin answering the questions "Finding Textual Evidence"
  • If time begin Friday's Assignment of taking notes


  • Smarter Balanced test in the lab


  • Write an essay Question 6:
  • First take notes of 4-5 facts about why football is dangerous. Read a section and then take notes, read a section and take notes.