Thursday, January 28, 2016

February 1-5

Monday:  Bell Work:  Discuss these statements and which ones might persuade an audience to feel a certain way?
  • Yesterday, I went to school.
  • Yesterday, my mother made me go to school.
  • Yesterday, I finally got to go back to school.
  • How to write a claim -  Students go through on chromes
  • Write a claim in Today's Meet  -discuss claim, reason, evidence
  • HONORS:  Brainstorm and search for company's to write to that use sweatshops, or to find out if they use sweatshops and persuade them to never do that. Must link their source to their blog
  • Tomorrow assignment will be to have a company they can write to if they choose.

TuesdayJournalism here first 10 min
Bell Work:  Claim examples
  • Read articles or Search for an article on the Chromebooks.  Must have an article to show me at the beginning of the hour tomorrow.  They will also not be able to work in a group tomorrow.
  • HONORS:  Must find a company to write to.  

  • Persuasive Ppt
  • practice claims ppt
  • As a Group  (I will need to help those that found their own article)
    • Write a claim
    • 2 supporting details
    • explanations or details
  • Show Notebook example of persuasive letter with poor support and good support.
  • Discuss emotional and powerful language.
  • In Google Docs write the letter
  • Go over letter format.
  • highlight claim in YELLOW
  • highlight supporting details in PINK
  • Link letter to their blog

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