Sunday, September 7, 2014

Sept 8-12 test

Monday:   Discuss where to go if a fire
Bell Work:  Find one piece of dialogue in the story that creates


  • Recognize how an author develops the points of view of characters by revealing thoughts, feelings, actions and spoken words
  • Analyze how differences in the points of view of the characters and the audience create suspense.  


  • Discuss Fire routes
  • Go over Landlady worksheet
    • 1st - 3rd Hours:  go over questions as a class and examples of correct answers.  Students may re-write answers for points (due tomorrow)
    • 5th-7th Hours:  Students who received 19 or 20 will help others with their answers.  They may re-write answers for points. (due tomorrow)
  • Go over the Landlady test
  • Characterization worksheet.  2 people do Billy and 2 do Landlady then share answers

Tuesday:  Firedrill at 9:00
Bell Work:



  • Pick up answer re-writes
  • As a class write thesis statement for each character.

  • Billy Weaver was innocent and not observant of his surroundings.
  • The landlady seemed friendly by showed a side of insanity

    • Do characterization worksheet

    Bell Work: vocab "narrate"


    • Quotation lesson:  
      • Look at direct quotes in The Landlady.  Share a quotation rule that you notice.
      • Quotation rules -- put them in grammar notebook
      • Vocab "narrate"

    Thursday:  Library Lab
    Bell Work:

    • Students log into google/chrome
    • go to
    • blog title is  NPSlastname2019 (add number if more than 1 person with last name NPS2berg2019
    • Post Six Word Memoir Ppt.  (Save as a GIF first)
    • Layout:  Links
      • Blackboard
      • Mrs. Berg's blog

    Bell Work:



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