Monday, October 6, 2014

Oct 13-Oct 17


Bell Work:  Finish bell work from Friday.  Warriner's pg 44 Exercise 11.

  • Pass out preposition notes to put in notebook
  • Preposition song
  • Discuss Personal Narrative pg 126-128 in Lit book
  • Analyze Mentor text for Personal Narrative ws.
  • Go over the Unit 1 test


Tuesday:   Library:  Book Fair Last 15 min
Bell Work:


Wednesday:  Dr. Wilson observing 6th hour
Bell Work:


  • Prepositional Phrases:  Students partner with person who has a board or a marker.  Have them finish the prepositional phrase.  I put my book.....  then I went.   (Notebook lesson)
  • Give students the personal narrative writing prompt
  • Students put ideas on Answer Garden of scary topics
  • Fill out a paper to organize their writing -- due tomorrow

Bell Work:

  • Open a Google Doc and title their personal narrative
  • Share it with a partner
  • Link their doc to their blog
  • Begin typing their personal narrative
  • Show the rubric (also on Bb)


Friday:  NO School
Bell Work:


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