Monday, November 9, 2015

November 9-13


  • Read pg 833 about Elements of Drama
  • Teacher read pgs 835-836 and discuss how it is a quote from her diary, but the play often paraphrases.
  • Listen to play pg. 839-847
  • Discussion board on Bb:  "Re-read the rules for the Secret Annex on pg 846.  Describe at least one of the rules that the families must follow.  Why did they have this rule? Which rule would be the most difficult for you to follow?"
  • Read play aloud pg 847-852
  • Go back Discussion board rubric.  They do NOT click on the stars.
  • Reply to at least one other person.
  • Talk about Job Shadow
  • Read any responses to their answer yesterday
  • Comma and Semi colon lesson
  • Give groups a section to learn on commas.  

Awareness Day

  • Link Landlady Ending and Haiti article onto student blog
  • Teach section about commas.

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