Wednesday, November 11, 2015

November 16-20

Monday:  Bell Work:  Commas

  • Go over Bell work
  • Last person teach commas
  • Library
Tuesday:  Bell Work 2.1-2.2 (talk about semicolon)
  • Read Play pg 851 silently
  • Respond to one person in the discussion board
  • Create Google Keep for notes
    • Book mark Keep
    • Notes:
      • Characters and Characterizations
      • Irony
      • Conflict
      • Act 1 Scene 1-2 Summary
 Wednesday Bell work: 2.3  - 2.4
  • Read play 851-857
  • Read pg 6-7 out of her diary
Thursday: Bell Work:  Comma Worksheet (turn in)
  • Read play Silently pg 857-863.  (further if possible)
  • Google Keep
  • Discussion Board
    • Read pg 853 "...Mrs Frank:  You complain..." to "Anne:  You know we're going"  What is the author's purpose for adding this dialogue in the story?  What is she trying to tell the audience?
Friday:  Bell Work 
  • Finish First part of Anne Frank Play

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