Thursday, March 31, 2016

April 4-8

Monday: Review an argument claim

  • Go over "Analyzing Mentor Text" worksheet
  • Put in groups of 4 to group write and argument.
    • One student creates Google Doc and shares with team mates
    • create a table with 1 column and 4 rows
    • introduction, 2 supports, counterclaim and conclusion
    • Each student type their own part of the argument
  • Honors:  Start argument paper over "The Lady or the Tiger?" in Google Docs
Tuesday: Bellwork:  practice No Red Ink -- last time
  • Go over "Athletics for All" article
  • Finish Group argument.
    • Read the argument like 1 argument paper.  
    • Team leader email the link to Mrs. Berg --- don't "share"


  • Show students how to embed into their blog
  • Read Piclits and make comments

Thursday, March 24, 2016

March 28-April 1

Monday:  Library

  • Watch Honor's Powtoons about differences in words.  (watch on board-- SS has chrome)
    • past
    • scene
    • altogether
    • advice
  • Go over Theme to "Button, Button"
  • Go over Dave Berry Article
  • Honors:  Do the other 3 words from Tuesday to have the entire class to read a discuss the article.
  • Library
  • Watch Honor's Powtoons about differences in words.
    • good - well
    • who - whom
    • affect - effect
  • Honors:  Read "Lady or the Tiger?"  and discuss with questions.
  • Read Scope "Would you want to eat that"? 
    • Groups discuss worksheet on tone, then go over in class 
  • Watch Honor's Powtoons about differences in words.
    • farther
    • whose
    • principal
  • English:  Write pros and cons.  Write an introduction paragraph for an argument paper.  
  • Honors:  Worksheet to choose a side and state a thesis 
  • Argument has a counter claim.  What is the "other side's" main argument?  How can you refute that?
  • Read article and find:
    • hook
    • claim
    • support
    • counter claim
    • conclusion
  • Partner discuss counter claim for "putting bugs on a menu"
  • Write introduction
  • Practice No Red Ink
  • Write group argument -- Prize on Monday
  • Turn in Worksheet

Friday, March 18, 2016

Mark 21-25


  • Remind of Power Hours if they want to work on their theme movie project
  • Tone Lesson  print out sheets, have partners "act" out with correct voice to get the tone across. 
  • Read Button, Button
  • Each student write the theme for Button Button.

Tuesday Bell Work; Tone:  Give students a tone words and they write a paragraph, read it to class and class guess the tone.
  • Read tone paragraphs
  • Stations to  discuss "Button, Button"
Wednesday:  Bell work:  Write a paragraph with a chosen tone.

  • Read Tone papers.  Turn in the paper with 2 tone paragraphs.  
  • No Red Ink Quiz over pronouns 
  • Write theme of "Button, Button" 

  • Watch clip of Dave Barry, 8:20-10:30
  • Discuss how things are funny to different people
  • Honors: Tone of Scope article
  • Read to students "Memories of Dating"
  • Do worksheet

Saturday, March 12, 2016

March 14-18

Monday -- Library
  • Pronoun School House Rock
  • Activity: (15 min)
    • In pairs students write pronouns on little squares of paper.  As many as they can in 1:30 min.
    • Group with the most reads them off and other groups can add to theirs
    • Divide the paper into 2 groups:  Singular and Plural Pronouns  - call on people to check some answers.  Go over the pronoun "you", go over "our and ours...etc"
    • Divide the singular pile into singular and singular possessive.  Same with plural.  Check a few of the students.
    • Sentence:  Mrs. Berg hugged Emily.  What pronoun could you used for Mrs. Berg and Emily.  Discuss pronouns for the subject and pronouns for the object.
  • No red ink assignment on Pronouns
  • Library
Tuesday Bell Work:  No Red Ink
  • Show video on theme up to the 2:30 mark
  • Write a summary and a theme for a section of a Disney/Pixar movie
  • No Red Ink -- 10 minutes
  • Read each other's assignments from yesterday and comment on the theme and summary
Thursday  Bell Work:  No Red Ink 