Sunday, January 25, 2015

Jan 26-30




  • Pass back poems and go over
  • Open WeVideo to publish if finished
  • Choose a poem to type into their blog
  • In Bb look at Padlet intro of WW II  --write down important words and phrases.  Put top 2 on Answer Garden
  • Watch Video of Anne Frank
  • Look at Timeline p 387-388


  • Finish typing poem into blog.  Comment on at least one poem:
    • Imagery
    • Depth

  • In Bb look at Padlet intro of WW II  --write down important words and phrases.  Put top 2 on Answer Garden


  • Go to Padlet and watch the Anne Frank Video
  • Look at the timeline in Padlet and see how the events correspond (You will need to stretch the timeline)
  • Students take Reading Survey to determine who enjoys reading out loud in class
  • Read "Literary Focus" on pg 833
  • Read silently pg 835-836

Bell Work:


  • Go to Answer Garden and talk about WWII
  • Listen to pgs 839-847
  • Blog:  Anne Frank: Rules:  Describe at least one of the rules that the families must follow.  Why did they have this rule? Which rule would be the most difficult for you to follow?
  • Honors:  Listen to pgs 839-847, then read  aloud 847-850

Bell Work:


  • Go over Answer Garden words
  • Read Anne Frank Play 8:47-8:52
  • Give out Character Analysis worksheet to fill out
  • Honors:  Then Read 8:50-8:5854
    • Give the cell phone worksheet and have them take notes as we read.  They will fill out the actual worksheet later.  

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