Thursday, November 19, 2015

November 30-December 4

Monday: Bell Work:  Read their Haiti article and look for comma mistakes.

  • Pass back comma paper and go over
  • Proofread haiti article and put in commas HONORS:  change sentences to put in commas.  Look at chapter 1 question to see if anyone has put anything on it.
  • Share Google Notes for review

Tuesday:  Bell Work:

  • Read Haiti article and change sentences to put in commas HONORS has done this.   Look at chapter 1 question to see if anyone has put anything on it.
  • Socrative test 
  • New Parts of the play to read
  • Read page 870-874 HONORS read silently


  • HONORS read....  Night discussion tomorrow. Look at chapter 1 question to see if anyone has put anything on it.
  • Read pages 875-884 silently

  • Pass back comma paper and go over
  • Take Act 1 test
  • Proofread haiti article and put in commas
  • HONORS:  Chapter 1 blog and discussion

Friday:  Internet Safety Assembly -- change in schedule

  • Newsela article on Syrian refugees and Anne Frank

November 23=24



  • Day of Caring

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

November 16-20

Monday:  Bell Work:  Commas

  • Go over Bell work
  • Last person teach commas
  • Library
Tuesday:  Bell Work 2.1-2.2 (talk about semicolon)
  • Read Play pg 851 silently
  • Respond to one person in the discussion board
  • Create Google Keep for notes
    • Book mark Keep
    • Notes:
      • Characters and Characterizations
      • Irony
      • Conflict
      • Act 1 Scene 1-2 Summary
 Wednesday Bell work: 2.3  - 2.4
  • Read play 851-857
  • Read pg 6-7 out of her diary
Thursday: Bell Work:  Comma Worksheet (turn in)
  • Read play Silently pg 857-863.  (further if possible)
  • Google Keep
  • Discussion Board
    • Read pg 853 "...Mrs Frank:  You complain..." to "Anne:  You know we're going"  What is the author's purpose for adding this dialogue in the story?  What is she trying to tell the audience?
Friday:  Bell Work 
  • Finish First part of Anne Frank Play

Monday, November 9, 2015

November 9-13


  • Read pg 833 about Elements of Drama
  • Teacher read pgs 835-836 and discuss how it is a quote from her diary, but the play often paraphrases.
  • Listen to play pg. 839-847
  • Discussion board on Bb:  "Re-read the rules for the Secret Annex on pg 846.  Describe at least one of the rules that the families must follow.  Why did they have this rule? Which rule would be the most difficult for you to follow?"
  • Read play aloud pg 847-852
  • Go back Discussion board rubric.  They do NOT click on the stars.
  • Reply to at least one other person.
  • Talk about Job Shadow
  • Read any responses to their answer yesterday
  • Comma and Semi colon lesson
  • Give groups a section to learn on commas.  

Awareness Day

  • Link Landlady Ending and Haiti article onto student blog
  • Teach section about commas.