Monday, May 9, 2016

May 9-13

  • MAP TEST -- writing

  • MAP TEST -- writing
  • Anne Frank video

Thursday:  NO HOT sheet party all year

  • Anne Frank video

  • Friday:

    • 30 minute classes -- Finish Anne Frank
    • MAP celebration after lunch

    Tuesday, April 26, 2016

    May 2-6

    • Go over 2 questions on Ransom of Red Chief
    • End of year review Benchmark on CPS
    • Go over Benchmark
    • Power of Punctuation
    • Put dialogue in story map

    • Same as Monday
    • MAP test in Annex
    • Map test in Annex
    • 3 writing assignments

    Friday, April 22, 2016

    April 25-29

    Monday:  1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th --(No Chromebooks)  Bellwork: Grammar Review Ppt
    • Dialogue to propel action 
    • Dialogue to propel action, provoke a decision
    • Discuss "The Landlady" to see if they can find:
      • One place dialogue propelled the action
      • One place dialogue reveals character
      • One place dialogue provokes a decision
    • Students read "Ransom of Red Chief".

    Tuesday:  2nd, 4th, 5th, and 6th

    • Same as Monday

    Wednesday 1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th Bellwork:  Grammar Review Ppt
    • Teach mini lesson on grammar (sit, lay, rise) Warriniers pg 201-205
    • Questions over Ransom of Red Chief
    • Model a story map over The Landlady
    • Go to the English blog and follow the assignment.
    Thursday 2nd, 4th, 5th and 6th

    • Same as Wednesday
    • Go to partner's story map and comment.  Add dialogue.

    • No Red Ink

    Friday, April 8, 2016

    April 18-22

    Monday:  1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th --(No Chromebooks)  Bellwork: Grammar Review Ppt
    • Read Ansel Adams
    • MAP review with "Showdown"

    Tuesday:  2nd, 4th, 5th, and 6th

    • Same as Monday

    Wednesday 1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th Bellwork:  Grammar Review Ppt
    • Scope corrections  (3rd has done this)
    • Groups do Louis Sullivan research
    • Go over OTT answers
    • No Red Ink

    Thursday 2nd, 4th, 5th and 6th

    • Same as Wednesday
    • Group work MAP practice

    April 11-15

    • Go over Powtoon Words
    • Honors:  Paraphrase Plus with Sea Lullaby
    • Look at piclits from Friday
    • Slang, jargon, dialect
    • Library check in/check out

    • Powtoon Words
    • Honors:  Way up to Heaven
    • Sea Lullaby

    • Listening Activity
    • OTT Tes

    Friday:  Short classes
    • No Red Ink Practice

    Thursday, March 31, 2016

    April 4-8

    Monday: Review an argument claim

    • Go over "Analyzing Mentor Text" worksheet
    • Put in groups of 4 to group write and argument.
      • One student creates Google Doc and shares with team mates
      • create a table with 1 column and 4 rows
      • introduction, 2 supports, counterclaim and conclusion
      • Each student type their own part of the argument
    • Honors:  Start argument paper over "The Lady or the Tiger?" in Google Docs
    Tuesday: Bellwork:  practice No Red Ink -- last time
    • Go over "Athletics for All" article
    • Finish Group argument.
      • Read the argument like 1 argument paper.  
      • Team leader email the link to Mrs. Berg --- don't "share"


    • Show students how to embed into their blog
    • Read Piclits and make comments

    Thursday, March 24, 2016

    March 28-April 1

    Monday:  Library

    • Watch Honor's Powtoons about differences in words.  (watch on board-- SS has chrome)
      • past
      • scene
      • altogether
      • advice
    • Go over Theme to "Button, Button"
    • Go over Dave Berry Article
    • Honors:  Do the other 3 words from Tuesday to have the entire class to read a discuss the article.
    • Library
    • Watch Honor's Powtoons about differences in words.
      • good - well
      • who - whom
      • affect - effect
    • Honors:  Read "Lady or the Tiger?"  and discuss with questions.
    • Read Scope "Would you want to eat that"? 
      • Groups discuss worksheet on tone, then go over in class 
    • Watch Honor's Powtoons about differences in words.
      • farther
      • whose
      • principal
    • English:  Write pros and cons.  Write an introduction paragraph for an argument paper.  
    • Honors:  Worksheet to choose a side and state a thesis 
    • Argument has a counter claim.  What is the "other side's" main argument?  How can you refute that?
    • Read article and find:
      • hook
      • claim
      • support
      • counter claim
      • conclusion
    • Partner discuss counter claim for "putting bugs on a menu"
    • Write introduction
    • Practice No Red Ink
    • Write group argument -- Prize on Monday
    • Turn in Worksheet

    Friday, March 18, 2016

    Mark 21-25


    • Remind of Power Hours if they want to work on their theme movie project
    • Tone Lesson  print out sheets, have partners "act" out with correct voice to get the tone across. 
    • Read Button, Button
    • Each student write the theme for Button Button.

    Tuesday Bell Work; Tone:  Give students a tone words and they write a paragraph, read it to class and class guess the tone.
    • Read tone paragraphs
    • Stations to  discuss "Button, Button"
    Wednesday:  Bell work:  Write a paragraph with a chosen tone.

    • Read Tone papers.  Turn in the paper with 2 tone paragraphs.  
    • No Red Ink Quiz over pronouns 
    • Write theme of "Button, Button" 

    • Watch clip of Dave Barry, 8:20-10:30
    • Discuss how things are funny to different people
    • Honors: Tone of Scope article
    • Read to students "Memories of Dating"
    • Do worksheet

    Saturday, March 12, 2016

    March 14-18

    Monday -- Library
    • Pronoun School House Rock
    • Activity: (15 min)
      • In pairs students write pronouns on little squares of paper.  As many as they can in 1:30 min.
      • Group with the most reads them off and other groups can add to theirs
      • Divide the paper into 2 groups:  Singular and Plural Pronouns  - call on people to check some answers.  Go over the pronoun "you", go over "our and ours...etc"
      • Divide the singular pile into singular and singular possessive.  Same with plural.  Check a few of the students.
      • Sentence:  Mrs. Berg hugged Emily.  What pronoun could you used for Mrs. Berg and Emily.  Discuss pronouns for the subject and pronouns for the object.
    • No red ink assignment on Pronouns
    • Library
    Tuesday Bell Work:  No Red Ink
    • Show video on theme up to the 2:30 mark
    • Write a summary and a theme for a section of a Disney/Pixar movie
    • No Red Ink -- 10 minutes
    • Read each other's assignments from yesterday and comment on the theme and summary
    Thursday  Bell Work:  No Red Ink 

    Wednesday, February 24, 2016

    Feb 29 - March 4


    • Take test over "I Have a Dream"
    • Read "Four O'clock" in Actively Learn and answer questions

    • summative Test


    • Summative Test


    • Do Make-up test
    • Practice Powtoon

    Friday:  No School  1/2 PD

    Tuesday, February 16, 2016

    Feb 22 -26

    Monday -  Book Fair  Bell Work:

    • Introduce lesson for No Red Ink on Parallel Structure
    • Look at Persuasive Letter
    • Write an envelope
    • Book Fair
    • Read "Up From a Slave" and write and answer to the question
    • Put students in 6 groups and assign 1 question
    • Share answers to questions
    • Take "No Red Ink" test
    • Video on Ethos, Pathos and Logos
    • Go over Discussion Questions of "I Have a Dream"
    • Quiz on "I Have a Dream CPS"

    Thursday, February 11, 2016

    February 15-19

    Bell Work:  Worksheet on Active and Passive Voice.

    • Hangman Ppt Slide 1-6
    • Silently Read "The Hangman"
    • Pass out socratic seminar papers and describe the lesson Wednesday, so they may want to take annotative notes.  1/2 inside on Wed  1/2 on Thursday
    • Listen to me read "The Hangman"
    • Choose inside and outside circle for socratic seminar.  Inside needs to have questions ready for tomorrow.
    • Finish Edpuzzle on "The Hangman" in groups of 2

    Wednesday  Student teachers here

    • Socratic Seminar with 1/2

    Thursday  Doubrava has chromes

    • Socratic Seminiar
    • Hangman Quiz


    Wednesday, February 3, 2016

    February 8-12

    Monday:  Library Data Bases

    • Go to library after 10 min of class
    • Discuss power and emotion words from their sources
    Tuesday:  Bell Work:  add power words to their letter.
    • Show "No Red Ink" and create account
    • Flipped Grammar:  Students go through Active and Passive Voice:  Due Friday -- Due Thursday
    • Read aloud "An Unbreakable Code" and discuss.
    Wednesday:  Go to Library Lab
    • Print Letter and sign it
    • Edcite
    Thursday  Answer questions about active and Passive voice
    Friday  Bell Work:  
    • Take Active and Passive Voice quiz
    •  Finish EdCite

    Thursday, January 28, 2016

    February 1-5

    Monday:  Bell Work:  Discuss these statements and which ones might persuade an audience to feel a certain way?
    • Yesterday, I went to school.
    • Yesterday, my mother made me go to school.
    • Yesterday, I finally got to go back to school.
    • How to write a claim -  Students go through on chromes
    • Write a claim in Today's Meet  -discuss claim, reason, evidence
    • HONORS:  Brainstorm and search for company's to write to that use sweatshops, or to find out if they use sweatshops and persuade them to never do that. Must link their source to their blog
    • Tomorrow assignment will be to have a company they can write to if they choose.

    TuesdayJournalism here first 10 min
    Bell Work:  Claim examples
    • Read articles or Search for an article on the Chromebooks.  Must have an article to show me at the beginning of the hour tomorrow.  They will also not be able to work in a group tomorrow.
    • HONORS:  Must find a company to write to.  

    • Persuasive Ppt
    • practice claims ppt
    • As a Group  (I will need to help those that found their own article)
      • Write a claim
      • 2 supporting details
      • explanations or details
    • Show Notebook example of persuasive letter with poor support and good support.
    • Discuss emotional and powerful language.
    • In Google Docs write the letter
    • Go over letter format.
    • highlight claim in YELLOW
    • highlight supporting details in PINK
    • Link letter to their blog

    Monday, January 25, 2016

    January 25-29

      • Finish the DRC test
      • Library

      Tuesday: Math has Chromebooks

      Wednesday:  Math has Chromebooks
      • Watch Mood and Tone video
      • Read, stop, annotate
          • mood
          • tone
          • summarize
          • text features:  headline, subheading
          • Text structure
        • Using Paraphrase Plus, ask "Close Reading" questions

      Thursday: Math has Chromebooks  Band is gon
      • Use Activelylearn
      • Discuss Mood using questions from Scope

      • Go over Central Theme, mood 
      • Quiz over Article 
      • Read library book

      Friday, January 15, 2016

      Jan 18-22

      Monday:  No School


      • TEST


      • TEST

      Thursday:  Bell Work:  Read library book

      • Students read " Why are your clothes so cheap"

      Friday:  Math needs Chromebooks

      • Socratic Seminar

      Friday, January 8, 2016

      January 11-15

      Monday: Bellwork:  

      • Quiz over Tragedy Revealed
      • Library all hour
        • in text citation
      Tuesday:  Bellwork:  Read library book
      • Honors:  Flex room for Socratic Seminar  (pick up papers to grade)
      • Go over Tragedy Revealed quiz question 1, 5, 10
      • Introduce how to highlight facts with Haiti article
      • Pass back graded Haiti article graded
      • Highlight facts in Haiti article

      Wednesday:  Bellwork: Grammar Ppt
      • Go over Tragedy Revealed quiz question 1, 5, 10
      • Go over Anne Frank test
      • MLA Example
      • Honors:  Highlight facts first
      • Label 3 sources as (A,B, C)
      • Do in text citation

      Thursday:  Bell Work:  Read library book

      • A Boy with his Hands Up
        • students read poem silently
        • Teacher read poem as students think about: figurative language, structure, mood, connotation
        • Use Perusall to annotate poem
      Friday:  Read library book
      • No HOT sheet:  5th will leave early and 7th will come in late.
      • Go over Perusall Annotations
      • Go over 6 Word Memoir
      • A Boy with his Hand up

      Monday, January 4, 2016

      January 4-8

      No School - teacher work day


      Wednesday:  Bell Work:  Grammar Ppt:  Slide 2-3.  Practice Slide 4

      • Go over bell work.
      • Give each group 2 text structures from end of ppt and go over in class
      • Honors:  Read "Memories of Dating"

      Thursday:  Subject Verb review

    • Pick up bellwork and notes to put in gradebook
    • Listen to Tragedy Revealed and discuss text structure
    • Honors:  Group annotate "Memories of Dating"

    • Friday:

    • Honors:  Socrative Seminar on Memories of Dating"
    • Finish listening to Tragedy Revealed
    • pass back notes and bell work