Wednesday, December 9, 2015

December 14-18

  • Honors:  Project
  • Newsela - Anne Frank
  • Library
  • Summative Test
  • Annotate Newsela Anne Frank
  • Honors:  Show project
  • Make-up test
  • Questions on Newsela article
  • Show how to do a found poem
  • Student choose piece of writing
  • Honors:  Show project
  • Found Poem
  • Dodgeball tourn
  • Christmas Party

Thursday, November 19, 2015

November 30-December 4

Monday: Bell Work:  Read their Haiti article and look for comma mistakes.

  • Pass back comma paper and go over
  • Proofread haiti article and put in commas HONORS:  change sentences to put in commas.  Look at chapter 1 question to see if anyone has put anything on it.
  • Share Google Notes for review

Tuesday:  Bell Work:

  • Read Haiti article and change sentences to put in commas HONORS has done this.   Look at chapter 1 question to see if anyone has put anything on it.
  • Socrative test 
  • New Parts of the play to read
  • Read page 870-874 HONORS read silently


  • HONORS read....  Night discussion tomorrow. Look at chapter 1 question to see if anyone has put anything on it.
  • Read pages 875-884 silently

  • Pass back comma paper and go over
  • Take Act 1 test
  • Proofread haiti article and put in commas
  • HONORS:  Chapter 1 blog and discussion

Friday:  Internet Safety Assembly -- change in schedule

  • Newsela article on Syrian refugees and Anne Frank

November 23=24



  • Day of Caring

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

November 16-20

Monday:  Bell Work:  Commas

  • Go over Bell work
  • Last person teach commas
  • Library
Tuesday:  Bell Work 2.1-2.2 (talk about semicolon)
  • Read Play pg 851 silently
  • Respond to one person in the discussion board
  • Create Google Keep for notes
    • Book mark Keep
    • Notes:
      • Characters and Characterizations
      • Irony
      • Conflict
      • Act 1 Scene 1-2 Summary
 Wednesday Bell work: 2.3  - 2.4
  • Read play 851-857
  • Read pg 6-7 out of her diary
Thursday: Bell Work:  Comma Worksheet (turn in)
  • Read play Silently pg 857-863.  (further if possible)
  • Google Keep
  • Discussion Board
    • Read pg 853 "...Mrs Frank:  You complain..." to "Anne:  You know we're going"  What is the author's purpose for adding this dialogue in the story?  What is she trying to tell the audience?
Friday:  Bell Work 
  • Finish First part of Anne Frank Play

Monday, November 9, 2015

November 9-13


  • Read pg 833 about Elements of Drama
  • Teacher read pgs 835-836 and discuss how it is a quote from her diary, but the play often paraphrases.
  • Listen to play pg. 839-847
  • Discussion board on Bb:  "Re-read the rules for the Secret Annex on pg 846.  Describe at least one of the rules that the families must follow.  Why did they have this rule? Which rule would be the most difficult for you to follow?"
  • Read play aloud pg 847-852
  • Go back Discussion board rubric.  They do NOT click on the stars.
  • Reply to at least one other person.
  • Talk about Job Shadow
  • Read any responses to their answer yesterday
  • Comma and Semi colon lesson
  • Give groups a section to learn on commas.  

Awareness Day

  • Link Landlady Ending and Haiti article onto student blog
  • Teach section about commas.

Friday, October 30, 2015

November 2-6


  • Bell Work:  Finish Blog post
  • Go over Article of the Week


Tuesday:  NO SCHOOL


  • Students go to the English Blog.  
  • Go to Padlet and look at Timeline of events.  Write down important words and phrases
  • Put important words and phrases in Answer Garden


  • Today you will watch 2 videos on the board.  The first video is about the Holocaust and what happened to the Jews.  The second video is about Anne Frank.  While you are watching the video you may comment notes on the Today's Meet link.  You MUST put in your real name!

    If you find something interesting, write about it.  If you have a question, ask it.  However, REMEMBER:  I will go through the comments and questions and there should not be anything off topic!  Actually, I hope that I can join some of the conversations from wherever I am!

    Today's Meet

    Substitute:  Show these videos on the SMART board

    Video #1  Holocaust

    Video #2  Anne Frank:  From the website scroll down to watch the video titled "Anne Frank - The Diary"


Saturday, October 24, 2015

October 26-30

  • The students need to go to the English Blog for their assignment.  It tells them everything to do.  They know how to do this.  It is   
  • Students will read and annotate 2-3 comments per page.  (Mrs. Mac will bring you the copies for this)  They know how to do this.  (20 min)
  • The students have been writing an news article about Haiti.  The articles are in Google Docs.  The students will need to "share" the article with someone in the class other than the first partner they had in this project.  (20 Min)

  • Read "I Never Saw Another Butterfly"
    • Discuss meaning and who wrote it.
    • Read pg 101-103 from poem book
    • Show the book to the students
  • Students read poems and choose a poem -- Poems
    • They will create a butterfly Thursday.  Bring in any materials they want for their butterfly
  • Work on their Article - compare it to the rubric 
    • Share article with person who is same color in another group
  • Bell Work:  Blog a reflection about the Butterfly poem they are reading.
    • mood, tone, connotation of words, child who wrote it
  • Go to Padlet and watch Intro to WWII and Anne Frank Bio.  Write words and phrases that are important.
  • Anne Frank Ppt
  • Discuss the AoftW
  • Share how to double space article.
  • Proofread articles
  • Create a butterfly
  • Turn in the article they wrote into classroom
  • Write the reflection of their article on the same page as their annotation

Friday, October 9, 2015

Oct 19-23

Monday: Bell Work:
  • Library Book Fair

  • Haiti News Project-  Informational Essay
    • Article
    • Watch a news report
    • Find Partner through ????
    • Choose a big question to drive the Essay/Article
      • write 3 related questions that will need to be answered. One to ask Mr. L, one for each student to research.  
      • Will you video any of the interview?
      • Which question will you ask Mr. Lesperance and which will you research?
  • Put Summative in CPS
  • One partner create padlet for notes.  Each student link to their blog.
    • Add links to cite where information is found
  • Begin research and notes.  Model padlet notes.
  • 1/2 the class will interview

  • Begin research and notes.  Model padlet notes.
  • 1/2 the class will interview

  • Students link their padlet the the teacher padlet found on the blog.  They can use each other's notes
  • Model writing an informational essay
  • Put list on objectives covered on the board

Friday:  NO SCHOOL

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Oct 12-16


  • New Seating Chart
  • Tell Tale Review:
    • Go over Irony worksheet
    • Socrative
  • Tell Tale Test with CPS
  • Library -- get book because there is time to read while testing this week.
  • Go over Tell Tale Test
  • Those 3 Wishes Review with
  • Summative Test
  • Read Library book or Poe graphic novel
  • Summative Test
  • Read Library book or Poe graphic novel
  • Test Make-ups
  • Tell Tale heart movie (25 minutes)
  • Read

Sunday, October 4, 2015

October 5-9

Monday:  Bell Work:  Landlady Ending
  • Go over Soccer A of the W.
  • Go over Landlady Test
  • Tell Tale Heart Ppt Holt Online
  • Posted on Blog: (20 min)
Wednesday:  Go over Grammar sheet
  • Irony Ppt
  • Irony Activity
  • Honors:  Link video to Blog
  • Questions over Tell Tale
  • Honors:  Flex Room for vidoe

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Sept 28- Oct 2

Monday:  Grammar 1.4
  • Give back grammar an underline Subject and Verb -- pick up ALL tomorrow.
  • Honors:  go over NA test  (Video is due October 9)
  • Honors:  Talk about how they can characterize on their video---how can they create mood (give out mood word handout)?
  • Go over Tom Sawyer characterization  with this Coggle
  • Read blogs for book ideas
  • Library


Thursday:  Grammar Work
  • Go over submitting to Google Classroom
  • Finish and turn in Characterization
  • Discuss Foreshadowing in "The Landlady: as a class
  • Begin a Google Doc (in classroom) the ending to "The Landlady" using worksheet


  • Review Landlady
  • Landlady quiz
  • Work on Ending -- submit in classroom

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Sept 21-25

Monday:  Bell Work:  A ft W quiz
  • Grade the quiz
  • Go over Blog with examples
  • Give out the A ft W:  Soccer's Corrupt Soul -- annotations due Friday
  • Read "The Landlady"

  • Pick up re-dos
  • Flexroom WeVideo
    • Download:  WeVideo and Snagit
    • Choose 3 pictures from the blog to create a video with a one word sentence for voice over.
Wednesday:  SUB HERE  Bell Work:  Grammar 1.2
    • Bell work is Elements of a Complete Sentence 1.2.  They will keep it and we will grade it tomorrow
    • Ask if there are any Native American article re-dos.  Today at the beginning of class is the last day to turn them in
    • Give students the Punctuating Dialogue and Direct Quotations handout. Go over it with the students pointing out the various ways to punctuate dialogue. They may take notes on this handout and they will KEEP it in their English folder FOREVER!
    • Students complete Quotation Mark Practice ½ sheet.  
    • Read their library book

Thursday:  Grammar 1.3
  • Grade Grammar 1.2 and 1.3
  • Grade dialogue lesson
  • Discuss Landlady using short answer in Socrative

Friday:  Grammar 1.4

  • Pick up A ft Week Annotations
  • Go over Tom Sawyer
  • Book Blog:  Characterization

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Sept 14-18

Monday:  Bell Work: A ft W quiz

  • Go over Grammar bell work
  • Go over Superman quiz---who was absent?
  • Introduce Mrs. Barker
  • Library -- read book
Tomorrow meet in flex room.


Flex Room--- take dry erase markers
Put Paulsen, Alexie and Carson up on each screen.  Students will rotate around the room.
  • Write an answer to the question together as a class.  "Sherman Alexie, Gary Paulsen and Ben Carson all have a common theme; what is the theme and how can you apply it to your life? 
    • Use RACE blog post to help them answer the question. 
  • Put students in groups:

Wednesday: SUB today
  • Tom Sawyer -- Read and discuss 
  • Read Library book

Thursday:  Montgomery has Chromes  Grammar Bell Work

  • Go over Bell Work
  • Go over Race article
  • Honors:  talk about project
  • Pass back Article for the Week 
    • One student reads article aloud and other students make comments using paraphrase plus
  • Quiz over 4 questions --they will need an article for question 1
  • Corrections due Tuesday after Power Hours
Friday:  Montgomery has Chromes. Grammar Bell Work

  • Grammar bell work
  • Tom Sawyer characterization

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Sept 7-11

Monday:  NO School

Tuesday: SUB tomorrow
  • Hand out Native American Article and go over info for Article for the Week
  • Go over Article of the Week Exemplar
  • Ben Carson ---first 2 pages
    • Write confusion, questions, thoughts

Thursday:  Bell work:  Read book
  • CPS
  • Go over Article for the Week
  • HONORS:  Elements of Fiction Project -- show videos and find partner.  Begin thinking of book or movie made from book. (2 weeks)
  • Elements of Fiction:  
    • As groups use 2 Elements of Fiction notes to fill out the worksheet.  10 participation points

Friday: Read Book  Bell Work:  Pickup Article for the week
  • Watch article of the week on Annotating Article  Pass back article.  Due Monday.
  • Book Blog:  
    • Write a 2-4 paragraph summary of your book.  Use at least 4 of the Elements of Literature terms and bold or underline the terms.  (Please don't just use character, setting and plot....use some of the more advanced terms)
  • Fill out Literary elements handout

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

August 31-Sept 4

Monday:  Bell Work: Go over Fire Drill routes
  •  Show how to open drive and print
  • MAP - Counselor
  • Fire Drill 2nd hour
  • Library -- print top 10

Tuesday:  Bell Work: Read book

  • HONORS:  Vocab:  abyss and accolade
  • The Way Stories Dance -- 
    • Teacher - Read out loud to students stopping to discuss
    • Groups read aloud and discuss using discussion stems (one per person per group)


  • The Way Stories Dance -- Read out loud to students stopping to discuss 
    • On Blackboard answer one of the 3 questions and respond to one other person
      • What did you learn about the writing process from Gary Paulsen's piece "The Way Stories Dance"?
      • Why do you think Gary Paulsen cares so deeply about what he writes?
      • How have you changed as a reader and/or writer from reading this piece?
  • HONORS:  Read stories in groups with sentence stems in Flex Room


  • Answer 1 Bb question on "The Way Stories Dance" and respond to 1 person.
  • Introduce a Hook 
  • Assign each student to read 1 other student blog and comment an idea for a hook
  • Add a Hook and conclusion to their Top 10 Claim--due to be graded
  • Read 1 person's blog and comment
  • Show Blog Grading Rubric
  • Read library book

  • Pep assembly - shortened schedule
  • Write comments on partners blog
  • Get blog ready to be graded
  • 5th Hour:  

Monday, July 27, 2015

August 24-28

Monday: Bell Work Usage Demon
  • Open the class blog. Bookmark the blog. Read post about questions and padlet. Write questions in Padlet.
  • Superman and Me  
  • Show teacher blog
  • Students create a title for their blog

Tuesday:  Bell Work:  Bell Work: Read
  • Students share with their group what they marked on Superman
  • Go over Superman Ppt and show teacher close read

Wednesday:  Bell Work: Usage Demon -- Get out Chrome
  • Add more questions to Padlet (on blog) after reading "Superman"
  • Join Google Classroom and submit "Top 10 Assignment"
  • Chromebooks:
  • Blog:  Write 2 sentences about the "theme" of Superman and Me
    • You are in charge of your own destination.

Thursday:   Bell Work: set up bookmarks
  • How many ways can you write this sentence: "We walked down the street in the rain." -- in
  • Finish Superman Theme post
  • Read other posts 
  • As a class look at padlet with questions
    • Do we have an answer to any of the questions from the 2 articles we have read?  (discuss in group)
  • Using this lesson, students will choose one thing from their top 10 list and make it a claim. 
  • Model process using Mrs. Berg's top 10 list.
    • HUSUPU --choose one statement and say it as a claim.
  •  Write a 1-2 paragraph argument about the claim.  Support with 2 details.  
    • Choose a Claim from Mrs. Berg's list and supporting details
    • Grading:
      • Hook
      • Claim - well written and can be supported.
      • 2 supporting details
      • Conclusion
      • Indented Paragraph
      • Varied sentences
    • Type it in a post in the blog
  • HONORS:  
    • SAT vocab page
    • Write a claim, but does not have to be on their top 10 list

Friday:    Bell Work: Read
  • Usage Demon Quiz
  • Blog Post: Top 5 things we should know about your book 

August 17-21

BellWork: Usage Demon  and Seasons review Ppt
17 Monday
  • Make up a password
  • Show Top 10 Things you should know about Mrs. Berg
    • Students create rough draft list of top 10 things to know about them. 2 of them must be personality traits (compassionate, confident, honest) Due Thursday
  • Library

18 Tuesday: Bell Work: Top 10 list -- who got the Remind about it?
  • Go over some specifics about top 10 list --look again at Mrs. Berg's
    • Written in 3rd person
    • Vary the sentences
    • 2 must be personality
  • Create Password
  • Give the "sub" talk
  • Pre-AssessmentBenchmark Test
    • 1-17 on paper
  • Work on Top 10 list or reasonable story

19 Wednesday: read for 10 minutes
  • Take 2nd half of Benchmark test
  • Retake seasons test
  • Reasonable Story or top 10 list

20 Thursday:  -
  • Meet in Library Lab tomorrow
  • Put answers of Benchmark in CPS
  • Pick up Reasonable Story
  • Fix Your Grammar - Glove and Boots video (its, it's, there, their, they're)
  • Usage Demon Ppt -- 
    • HONORS:  Usage Demon test
  • Model Close Reading with short text on the board
    • Give students a copy to read. Model on board how to close read and think aloud for them.
  • Look over top 10 list, edit and put in descending order. (may need to refer back to Mrs. Berg's list)

21 Friday:  
  • Word Crimes  - Weird Al Parody
  • CPS - put answers to Benchmark in
  • Practice how to get out Chromebooks and log in
  • Google Doc directions
  • Type Top 10 list

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

August: First Week


Monday:  No School

Tuesday:  No School

Wednesday:  First Day
  • Schedule:
    • Advisory Rules
    • Lockers
    • Bus Tickets
    • Handbook
  • 9:40-10:00 Team meeting in auditorium

  • 10:00-10:40 - Get to know you activity 
  • 10:40-11:28 5th Hour  
    • Would you rather worksheet
  • 11:32-11:54 Lunch

    All Classes:


  • Seating Chart
  • Pencil/Pen rule --- if they borrow, leave their ID ---NO EXCEPTIONS
  • Rules and Activity
    • Show Ppt questions
    • As a group discuss each question
    • Everyone answer questions on sticky note and add to poster.
    • Place group in front of each poster and they discuss and choose the answer (1-2) they liked the best.  Share with class.
  • Book Talk:  Waterfall

    • Season's Test
    • Reasonable Story -- due Thursday
      • Go over elements of a short story
      • Worth 10 points:  Beginning, Middle, End and written in paragraphs

    Friday, May 8, 2015

    May 4- 7


    Monday4th Red Day
    Bell Work:

    Lesson: 1 - 3 - 5 - 7

    • Students close read "Should Kids Play Football"
    • In their blog, students create either a "yes" or "no" list.
    • Comment on others' blog as to what the thesis for an argument could be based on that information.
    • Discuss a counter claim
    • Students work on a shared document:
      • Introduction:
      • Body with 2-3 facts
      • Counter claim and conclusion

    Tuesday5th Gray Day
    Bell Work:

    Lesson: 2 - 4 - 5 - 6
    • Students close read "Should Kids Play Football"
    • In their blog, students create either a "yes" or "no" list.
    • Comment on others' blog as to what the thesis for an argument could be based on that information.
    • Discuss a counter claim

    Wednesday: 6th Red Day
    Bell Work:

    Lesson: 1 - 3 - 5 - 7

    Thursday: 7th Gray Day
    Bell Work:


    • Football -- Finding and Using Test Evidence through using Socrative

    Friday: 8th 
    Bell Work:

    Lesson: 2 - 4 - 5 - 6
    • Watch "Charly"

    Wednesday, April 22, 2015

    April 27- May 1


    Monday27th Red Day
    Bell Work:

    Lesson: 1 - 3 - 5 - 7

    • Show good research papers
    • Look at own research paper and pass out rubric
    • Look at comics
    • Parallel worksheet 
    • Elements of Fiction
    • Go through practice MAP test

    Tuesday28th Gray Day
    Bell Work:

    Lesson: 2 - 4 - 5 - 6

    • Show good research papers
    • Look at own research paper and pass out rubric
    • Look at comics
    • Parallel worksheet 
    • Elements of Fiction
    • Go through practice MAP test

    Wednesday: 30th Red Day
    Bell Work:

    Lesson: 1 - 3 - 5 - 7

    • MAP test in Library Lab

    Thursday: 31st Gray Day
    Bell Work:


    • MAP test in Library Lab

    Friday: 1st 
    Bell Work:

    Lesson:  Play Games

    Thursday, April 16, 2015

    April 20 - 24


    Monday: 20th Red Day
    Bell Work: Go over conditional verbs

    Lesson: 1 - 3 - 5 - 7

    Tuesday: 21st Gray Day
    Bell Work: go over conditional verbs

    Lesson: 2 - 4 - 5 - 6

    Wednesday: 22nd Red Day
    Bell Work:

    Lesson: 1 - 3 - 5 - 7

    • Grade Active and passive voice
    • Introduce Gerund in Warriner's pg 105-106
    • Put students into groups
    • Students follow this lesson in the 8 Red English blog

    Thursday: 23rd Gray Day
    Bell Work:

    Lesson: 2 - 4 - 5 - 6
    • Grade Active and passive voice
    • Introduce Gerund in Warriner's pg 105-106
    • Download the Snagit App and Extension --Mrs. Berg will show you how.
    • Research the grammar topic that you were assigned using the links below:
    •       3. After you UNDERSTAND your grammar topic, open Make Belief Comix and create a 2-3 slide comic strip using your grammar topic correctly.  
      • Here is a video showing with directions on how to create a Make-Belief Comix
        • Make sure your comic uses your grammar topic correctly and will correctly teach others. 
           4.  After you create your comic strip, you will need to screen capture it with the Snagit Extension
      • Here is a video showing you  how to capture your comic using the Snagit Extension.
        • You will use the extension which is at the top of your screen.
           5.  After you capture the image, you will upload the image to your blog.
      • Here is a video showing you how to upload your comic to your blog.

    Friday: 24th 
    Bell Work:


    • Do parallel worksheet with socrative

    Thursday, April 9, 2015

    April 13-17


    Bell Work:


    • Comma Lesson
      • Do Comma Ppt and discuss each rule
      • Pass out packet for students to work on
      • Students go through comma info on Holt online
      • Grade comma worksheet
    • Honors:
      • Do Comma Ppt and discuss each rule
      • Pass out packet for students to work on
      • Read "Gun Shy" silently

    Bell Work: colon definition

    • Do Kahoot it "Hard and Fast Rules of Grammar"

    Wednesday:  Red Day
    Bell Work:  Do slide 2-3 of Grammar Review

    Lesson: 1 - 3- 5- 7

    • Read short story "Button, Button" aloud in class and discuss.  
    • Pass out Story Elements-
      • Students match with a partner and then discuss that element about the story "Button, Button"
      • Discuss the story as a class
    • Comma or Semicolon - Warriners pg 34-35

    Thursday: Gray Day
    Bell Work:  Do slide 2-3 of Grammar Review

    Lesson: 2 -4 - 5 - 6

    • Read short story "Button, Button" aloud in class and discuss.  
    • Pass out Story Elements-
      • Students match with a partner and then discuss that element about the story "Button, Button"
      • Discuss the story as a class
    • Comma or Semicolon - Warriners pg 34-35

    Bell Work: Do slide 4-5


    • Grade Active and Passive Voice
    • Do Element Review Worksheet 

    Friday, April 3, 2015

    April 6-10


    Bell Work:  Show Connotation on the board --go over


    • Finish Video
    • Publish Video and post link into student blogs
    • While it is publishing, do the connotation ws

    Bell Work:


    • Grade Denotation worksheet
    • linked on blog pages 
    • Kahoot -- story elements
    • Kahoot -- Participle
    • Library

    Bell Work:


    • Students watch and listen to videos -- Make comments on one thing you like and one thing you would change
    • Read silently Four O'clock
    • Answer multiple choice 1-5 through socrative

    Bell Work:


    • Answer questions 7-8 in short answer Socrative and evaluate answers
    • Participle ws

    Bell Work:


    • Short classes (MAP Assembly)
    • Kahoot - Irony
    • Kahoot -- figurative Language

    Tuesday, March 17, 2015

    March 30-April 3


    Bell Work:

    Lesson:  Paper due Thursday at the start of class, but will show how to begin WeVideo on Thursday.  Video due Tuesday so they have Power Hours to work on it.

    • Teacher will look over notes to make sure everyone is finished
    • Show how to use Easy Bib using and search Anne Frank.  Need to add title, author and pub. date.
    • Go over MLA guide
    • Title (see scoring guide)
    • Spacing
    • Font and Font type
    • Indention
    • Works Cited page (see scoring guide)
    • Parenthetical citation (see scoring guide)

    Bell Work:  Connotation, Denotation While I grade notes


    • Notes due today
    • Use easybib to do citations
    • Use Purdue Owl for in text citations (parenthetical citations)
    • Work on paper

    Bell Work:


    • Do short modeling lesson on WeVideo
      • Tell how and where to save images
      • Have students share tips 
    • Finish paper and begin video (Due Friday)

    Bell Work:


    • Work on Video

    Bell Work:


    • Work on Video

    Monday, March 16, 2015

    March 23-27


    Bell Work:  Work on Smarter Balanced example for writing paragraph of informative paper (15 min)


    • Use informative essay anchor piece (9th grade) to discuss expectations. (20 min)
      • Introduction/ Hook
      • Topic/Thesis and 3 supporting details
      • Paragraph topic sentences
      • Transitions
      • topic specific words - do these need to be defined for the audience?
      • Conclusion
    • Introduce a few songs about historical events and have students guess what the songs are about. Have students discuss the meaning and the history involved. Examples: Alan Jackson, "Where Were You When the World Stopped Turning" about 9/11, U2, "Pride (In the Name of Love)" about Martin Luther King Jr.
    • Play the song “We Didn’t Start the Fire” and just have students listen. Ask if anyone has heard the song before and if they know who sings the song. Then show the video.  Ask students to listen to the lyrics. Brainstorm what they can remember of the lyrics. Play the song a third time and have the students look at they lyrics. Discuss what events, people, and places they know of and what ones they do not.

    Bell Work:  Finish Monday's work and pick up


    • Library lesson on researching using library online resources all hour

    Bell Work:  Finish Monday's work and pick up

    • Students will look at a brief description of the lyrics to the song.
      • Divide class into 16 partners and each group look at a different "year". Go over them as a class.
    • Discuss with class that some topics are more difficult to research.
    • Students choose a topic by tomorrow.
    • Discuss MLA and what is expected in their paper. (Info on Bb)

    • Homework: choose a topic--due tomorrow

    Bell Work:  Do pg 167-168 on Note taking


    • Students must choose their topic by filling out survey. May not choose "Wheel of Fortune" it is the one the teacher will demonstrate
    • Taking Notes: (20 min)
    • Do pg 167-168
    • Begin Research and note taking (20 min)

    Bell Work:

    • 2-4 sources required
    • Citations:  Show how to copy onto Works Cited Google Doc and use Easybib (students create Doc in class)
    • Research and take notes (20 min)

    March 16-20


    • Go over LAD Fair entries:  All due on Wednesday
    • Watch Chapter 1-  of the Anne Frank movie


    • Watch the Anne Frank Movie Chapter 11- end


    • Watch Video about kids playing football
      • Use evidence from the video to supports each side of the debate
    • Read “Should Kids Play Football?” aloud by Jennifer Shotz
    • Begin answering the questions "Finding Textual Evidence"
    • If time begin Friday's Assignment of taking notes


    • Smarter Balanced test in the lab


  • Write an essay Question 6:
  • First take notes of 4-5 facts about why football is dangerous. Read a section and then take notes, read a section and take notes.

    Tuesday, February 24, 2015

    March 2 -6


    Bell Work:


    • Continue Ppt on Anne Frank and WWII
    • Students fill out note page
    • Kahoot it review

    Bell Work:


    • CPS test over Anne Frank
    • Go over LAD fair dates and deadlines
    • Bring Library Books tomorrow
    • Go over the test

    Bell Work:


    • Writing Assignment:
      • Through the play the characters demonstrated characteristics about themselves through their words and actions.  Choose 2 characters that showed the same characteristic and write a paragraph stating your claim about their characteristic and support it with textual evidence.  
    • Library last 5-10 minutes of class

    Bell Work:


    • Awareness Day

    Friday:  NO SCHOOL -- PD day
    Bell Work:


    Feb 23-27


    Bell Work:

    Lesson:  ACUITY

    Bell Work:

    Lesson: ACUITY

    • When finished with Acuity, finish reading silently scene 2 895-900

    Bell Work:


    • Read Anne Frank Scene 4

    Bell Work:


    • Finish Anne Frank Scene 5
    • Begin Anne Frank Ppt.

    Friday: NO SCHOOL
    Bell Work:


    Feb 16-20


    Monday:  NO School
    Bell Work:


    Tuesday: SNOW DAY
    Bell Work:


    Wednesday: SNOW DAY
    Bell Work:


    Thursday: SNOW DAY
    Bell Work:


    Bell Work:

     Read Anne Frank Scene 1-2

    Sunday, February 8, 2015

    February 9-13


    Bell Work:


    • Pick up diary entry
    • Go over Warriner's pg 200 on Active and Passive
    • Show Active and Passive voice video from Flocabulary
    • Discuss the play up-- Act 1
    • Take quiz on Act 1
    • Warrieners pg 201 1-10
    • HONORS:  Pass out Night books (write down numbers) and go over Bb---pass out papers

    Bell Work:


    Bell Work:


    • Slide 1-4 on Agreement Rules Ppt
    • Begin reading Act II
    • Honors:  
      • Go over Helping verb
      • Assign propaganda assignment
        • What is propaganda?
        • How was it used against Jews?
        • Why was it used against Jews?
        • Examples of Propaganda

    Bell Work:


    Bell Work:  Put Helping verb chart in blog


    Thursday, January 29, 2015

    Feb 2-6




    • Bell Work:  Write sentences using different form of verb and helping verb.  Wad up paper and throw it.  Add to the paper.  After about 4 times, get original paper back and high light verbs.
    • Read 850-857 
    • Stop and add to character chart as they read

    Tuesday:  Library
    Bell Work:


    • Verb, helping verb worsheet and grade
    • Go over Smarter Balance argument writing assignment
    • Library

    Bell Work:


    • Read out of "The Diary of a Young Girl" p 6-7, 35, 37
    • Read silently pg 858-863  
    • Work on the Character Analysis paper.

    Bell Work:


    • Read 864-868  and write on the Character Analysis worksheet
    • On paper, pretend to be Anne Frank and write this last section as she would have in her diary.

    Bell Work:


    • Journalism students (15 minutes)
    • Work on the diary writing.

    Sunday, January 25, 2015

    Jan 26-30




    • Pass back poems and go over
    • Open WeVideo to publish if finished
    • Choose a poem to type into their blog
    • In Bb look at Padlet intro of WW II  --write down important words and phrases.  Put top 2 on Answer Garden
    • Watch Video of Anne Frank
    • Look at Timeline p 387-388


    • Finish typing poem into blog.  Comment on at least one poem:
      • Imagery
      • Depth

    • In Bb look at Padlet intro of WW II  --write down important words and phrases.  Put top 2 on Answer Garden


    • Go to Padlet and watch the Anne Frank Video
    • Look at the timeline in Padlet and see how the events correspond (You will need to stretch the timeline)
    • Students take Reading Survey to determine who enjoys reading out loud in class
    • Read "Literary Focus" on pg 833
    • Read silently pg 835-836

    Bell Work:


    • Go to Answer Garden and talk about WWII
    • Listen to pgs 839-847
    • Blog:  Anne Frank: Rules:  Describe at least one of the rules that the families must follow.  Why did they have this rule? Which rule would be the most difficult for you to follow?
    • Honors:  Listen to pgs 839-847, then read  aloud 847-850

    Bell Work:


    • Go over Answer Garden words
    • Read Anne Frank Play 8:47-8:52
    • Give out Character Analysis worksheet to fill out
    • Honors:  Then Read 8:50-8:5854
      • Give the cell phone worksheet and have them take notes as we read.  They will fill out the actual worksheet later.  

    Thursday, January 8, 2015

    Jan 12-16


    Bell Work:  Verb--Active and Passive Voice


    Bell Work:  Active and Passive voice


    Bell Work:

    • Poison Tree video

    Bell Work:

    • Poison Tree Video
    • Type free verse into blog??

      Bell Work:


      • turn in poems
      • Poetry Common Assessment